Explore Fort Lauderdale with the family! Visit the city parks, attractions, events and activities for the family in Fort Lauderdale.

Fort Lauderdale Family Events

on Saturday, 1 Feb, 10:00 AM
at Quiet Waters Park
401 S. Powerline Rd, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
Attending Interested

Travel back in time to the 16th century at the 33rd​ Annual Florida Renaissance Festival at Quiet Waters Park​ in Deerfield Beach!


Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: The Exhibit at Museum of Discovery and Scie

on Friday, 17 Jan, 10:00 AM
at Museum of Discovery and Science
401 SW 2nd St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Attending Interested

Travel back in time and unravel the secrets of world-famous heroes with Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: The Exhibit, from January 17 – May 11, at the Museum of Discovery and Science (MODS).

LEGO® Weekends at the Museum of Discovery and Science

on Saturday, 4 Jan, 10:00 AM
at Museum of Discovery and Science
401 SW 2nd St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Attending Interested

Unleash your imagination with LEGO® bricks! Build the Change by experimenting with creative solutions, coding dance moves in a LEGO® Coding Dance Party and designing imaginative animal habitats.

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